We pride ourselves on being able to offer the best quality and the highest level of support to our clients. Remember, when you are a customer of GPS to GO, you enjoy free, ongoing technical support and training for whenever you need it.

Support Tickets / Contacting Support

We use Zendesk so we never miss your requests for help, this creates a recorded ticket that we cant miss until you've been fully helped. We usually get over 1000 requests a year and the average time to full completion averages only 45 minutes!

To contact support & submit a support Ticket, please call our support line 1-613-680-8402 or simply send an e-mail for a fast and efficient answer to your question.

Hardware Installations

As with our software support & all of our customer interactions we offer real personalized service you can understand & rely on.

GPS to GO sets itself apart with our ”real person” live tech support & training over the phone & webinar on your schedule. For helpful videos on installation & using all the various features of the Geotab fleet management software.

Software Training

GPS to GO sets itself apart with our “real” person live training over the phone & webinar on your schedule so you can quickly begin using the Geotab platform just as we said it would & could be, tailored for you, just ask!

When you're a customer of ours you'll always enjoy our LIVE personalized one on one webinar training & tech support. Just contact us as above numbers anytime Monday to Friday 09:00 - 17:00 EST.

You can also access helpful videos on using all the various features of the Geotab fleet management software.

The Geotab Online academy

Uncover and leverage the powerful capabilities of MyGeotab and Geotab Drive to solve the unique challenges of managing your fleet.
From improving driver safety and compliance to improving fleet efficiency and everything in between, it all starts with Geotab Academy!