Drivewyze PreClear Weigh Station Bypass Program – Saving Your Fleet Valuable Time on the Roads

Geotab is offering users of their telematics solutions even more ways to save time and money thanks to Drivewyze PreClear – the only always-on bypass service available on the Geotab Marketplace, providing bypasses at temporary or mobile “pop-up” inspection sites, as well as at fixed weigh stations across the United States and in two Canadian…

2017 Brake Safety Day Results

The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) held its annual Brake Safety Day on September 7th, and the results might stop you dead in your tracks. Brake Safety Day is part of the CVSA’s Operation Airbrake Program in partnership with the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA) and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administrators (FMCSA).…