What a summer it’s been! We had a pleasure to help many companies over the summer months and one of them is Sani Glaze Ottawa fleet of vehicles. They have very interesting solutions, learn about them below:
Effective maintenance systems for various types of surfaces – carpet, VCT, stone, wood, etc. – have been around a long time, but not for tile and grout surfaces! There is a story behind this and it’s not a very pretty one. The main culprit in this story is porous grout. Over time, spills, tracked-in dirt and even routine mopping cause contaminants and odors to penetrate down into the grout. This process of contamination is made worse by the fact that most grout lines are slightly lower than the tile surface. Thus, the grout lines act as miniature troughs that harbor mop water and contaminants. Eventually, this leads to a situation that renders the entire surface unsightly, unsanitary and ripe with foul odors. Furthermore, the fact that the impurities have actually penetrated the grout means that normal maintenance practices are no longer effective.